author: 170-year history of the south australian school of art



Dr Jennifer (Jenny) Aland is currently Adjunct Research Fellow to the South Australian School of Art, Architecture & Design (AAD). In this role, she works in close association with the Friends of SASA as Chief Researcher for the South Australian School of Art (SASA) History Project, which has as its main aim, the publication of a substantial history of SASA: South Australian School of Art: 170 years in shaping South Australian Visual Arts & Culture. This history is currently being published by Wakefield Press with funding support from the Friends SASA. Jenny has some forty years experience in working both state-wide and nationally in the areas of Visual Arts teaching, arts curriculum, educational research, online learning and digital technologies. Outcomes from these experiences include a significant number of publications: print, online, video and DVDs which were designed to support visual arts education at both the primary and secondary levels of schooling. She has also co-authored 3 books published nationally by Heinemann (Pearson) which were aimed at upper secondary and tertiary levels of education, these being Art Connections; Art Connections (2nd Edn) and Australian Artlook. Dr Aland has also served as both Supervisor and Associate Supervisor to Masters and PhD students at UniSA and University of Adelaide. From 2009 to 2014, she worked as an Online Curriculum Consultant to the University of Adelaide's Graduate (and Masters) Programs in Art History in the development and delivery of fully online courses for Australian, Renaissance to Revolutions, Japanese and Indigenous Australian Arthistories. Dr Aland's PhD thesis was titled 'A model for teaching senior secondary visual arts in a digital world' which was presented in print and digital form and involved interviews with 9 Australian artists (among these being Patricia Piccinini, Jon McCormack, Paul Brown and Linda Dement) and senior secondary students with the aim of providing suggestions for best practice in the use of digital technologies at that level of schooling.