become a member of friends sasa

Share engagements among like-minded members while supporting visual arts & design education in our State.

Membership gives you the opportunity to:

Become involved in the work of this non profit organisation, the Friends of the South Australian School of Art (FSASA) Inc., and share your skills and expertise

Participate in FSASA workshops, tours and events promoting South Australian visual arts & design practice and practitioners

Receive :

  • FSASA Interactive Newsletters (twice yearly)

  • invitations to exhibitions at the SASA Gallery, Samstag Museum and Museum of Discovery (MOD) gallery exhibitions

  • updates on the publication of 170-year SASA History book (May/June 2024)

  • news/updates via UniSA’s Alumni services

Exhibit artworks at Friends SASA member exhibitions

Promote your work/exhibitions on FSASA Website & Facebook page

Reconnect with South Australian School of Art Alumni.