Art Teachers can be employed in both government or non- government schools. Obtaining a position as an art teacher can be a very rewarding experience. Being prepared and trained as an art teacher is indeed a very challenging and rewarding experience.

Today an Art Teacher can be teaching up to year 12 at secondary level. They may well be teaching in junior primary, primary, junior secondary or senior secondary schools or adult classes at TAFE or private classes.

Teaching is an extraordinary experience. A complex business; a rewarding experience, an experience that can be very enjoyable as one learns so much from our young students as one progresses. Many art teachers start on TRT or contract work “getting initiated and their feet in the door” or by visiting, doing voluntary work in a variety of ways.

2. Today the Art Teacher is one who has; 

2.1. The relevant skills and experience

2.2. An understanding of the needs of their students

2.3. Looks to student interests

2.4. Carefully considers the complexity of the community culture

2.5. Carefully considers the subject matter and the culture of the artworks to be studied.

An Art Teacher teaching in a Lutheran, Catholic, Anglican or Muslim School has to take into consideration the complexity and difference of these community cultures. Greek students in ones class may well have an interest in studying and exploring the history, artefacts and development of these through studying sculptures over many different times.


3.1. Change is here amongst us today- it certainly has changed since Art, Craft and Design were introduced at Year 12 level of study.

3.2. Parents who did the subject years ago have themselves developed an appreciation of the meaning of art and workload of the subject

3.3. Generally many more parents are on side when it comes to the study of the arts in our curriculum

3.4. Parents are more open today and have a greater perception and appreciation of the changes in education

3.5. All of these have helped establish the subjects of the arts as acceptable learning In the school curriculum.

3.6. Students and parents see the marked value of the varied art forms that have developed in our Australian culture. These are seen as exciting avenues of life long learning.


4.1. The Art Gallery of SA has had a big influence in the acceptability of art learning in our society. Educational support materials are invaluable.

4.2. Other Tertiary Institutions have also played a significant role

4.3. Other institutions are playing significant supportive roles for the art teacher eg Guild-house, Travel and Cultural Programs, Arts Societies, Friends Organizations,RSASA.

4.4. TV, social media eg Facebook ,Instagram-everyone has a camera on their IPhone,’Everyone’s a Critic’. All are resources available for the art teacher's advantage.

4.5. Multi- Cultural Organizations within a community have also a marked influence.

4.6. Tapping into their many resources eg web sites of galleries throughout Australia and overseas is at “ones fingertips”.


5.1. Teaching on traditional lands or in a country school can be very different.

5.2. Offerings and resources from East to West in SA or Australia will be quite different.

5.3. Metropolitan or city private schools have so many multi- cultural Centres societies or Organizations,that can assist the art teacher and strengthen the background knowledge of families of students in your classes and school.

eg Teaching in Ceduna, access to resources, cultural institutions, materials and subject matter will be quite different to that if you are teaching at a private school in the City of Adelaide. Each culture / area has its own strength and challenges. Exploration of these can lead to exciting and adventurous work by your students.


6.1. Be serious in your work but smile and be cheerful

6.2. Take special note/ interests of your students 

6.3. Pursue these interests of your students and the community.

6.4. Talk with your students about their ambitions; their reasons for doing Art,Design and what they would like to get out of this involvement.

6.5,. Getting to know your students, their intellectual, social, emotional and physical needs are very important

6.6. Talk with your students- you will have those in your class who have travelled extensively in families or with friends. They are “more worldly today”- those who have travelled and spent time schooling or travelling in Europe-Athens,Beijing,Rome, Barcelona etc. They may well have been on exchange, studying their subjects in the local language . They may well be fluent in a second language. They may well have travelled / studied overseas as an International Baccalaureate Student.


7.1. Be well prepared and highly organized

7.2. Have your art room organised, tidy and well maintained 

   You may be sharing the studio space, art room, your resources -so good communication with your colleague will be essential.

7.3. Have the tools, equipment, and materials well maintained  and organized.

7.4. You may be responsible for the ordering, stock taking of material and equipment for your successful program.

7.5. Have an expectation of the students- delegate responsibilities, as they love being the monitor for specific tasks at the beginning or conclusion of lessons.


8.1. Displays of student work can be one important way of showing your student capability.

8.2. Displays should have the objective displayed and an explanation relating to the outcomes. This can be a major way of educating the “ uneducated”. I can remember displaying art works in the local Court House where one Judge was a great supporter and boasted of the student works to colleagues.

8.3. Staff meetings can be held in your art room so that other staff can be kept informed of what you are doing and achieving. Inviting others parents and staff to see your student’s work is a great way of educating them.

8.4.Displays for special events in and out of the school are hard work, but well worth the results.

8.5. I have seen some innovative ways where students art works are sold to parents as fund raisers eg to purchase special equipment.


9.1. You will need to consider carefully the school aims and objectives.

9.2. Consider the subject aims and objectives

9.3. Share these with your students ( don’t keep these a secret)

9.4. Students can cooperate if they know what it is they are learning and how you expect them to change and solve the many exciting solutions of their work.

 9.5. As their teacher you are providing learning experiences/ opportunities and structuring positive outcomes for the students. There will be many different exciting outcomes as students are encouraged to problem solve. This is very exciting as a teacher, as you too are learning, as no one solution will be the same. Unlike maths where one correct answer solves the problem.

9.6. The program will depend on the faculty, their strengths, your own experience specialisation and capabilities. 

9.7. The local environment and cultural mix of your student. You may have teachers who specialise in a form of art or a professional artist in the community  (a parent) - use these other specialists to your advantage.

9.8. Considering the year level, the previous experiences of the students their interests and ambitions is important.

9.9. Structuring the relevant content is dependent of the many aspects listed above.


10.1. An art teacher may be appointed as a home base teacher / class teacher.

This will require many different skills; talking, listening to your students, where you may be responsible for parent/ teacher interviews on the overall progress and development of your students.

10.2. Counselling can occur during your normal art teaching lessons. It could be revealed that a student has a real issue at home that is affecting their work/ their behaviour. Art teachers need to be sensitive to the individual needs. Art Teachers can talk openly to their students, hear clearly what they are saying and express their opinions. This  “special  opening” could lead to effective changes for the benefit of all learning.

10.3. The art teacher can listen and learn as they circulate the classroom, listening to the “ chatter” between students. Sensitivity of the needs of your students would be a great way of assisting them.

10.4. Art teachers can consult with other staff. Guidance counsellors-in the school can assist in student learning, behaviour and any changes perceived as needed.


11.1 Assessment criteria should be shared when the activity is first introduced

11.2 It is a lot easier for students to achieve the aims and objectives of the specific activity If they know before you start.

11.3 Criteria for assessment should be based on the objectives of the activity.

11.4 Students can be involved in the assessment process.

11.5 Use positive statements as you wish to instill further learning.

11.6 Questioning the student can be extremely useful teaching strategies. Teachers can probe the student further to extend their information and learning

11.7 Questioning the right way can be a very powerful tool.


12.1. The teacher needs to be positive and constructive.

12.2 Focus as much as possible on student achievement.

12.3 Report of student progress shouldn’t come as a surprise to the student, parents or caregivers.

12.3 Students can in many cases gauge their progress, know how they are progressing, enjoying their learning and contribute. In many cases predicting their results.

12.4. In some cases as Class Teacher you may be responsible in the gathering of the results of all subjects studied by your class and presentation to parents.This will require good Organization and collaboration with your colleagues.


13.1  What you are doing in your school is a very useful and can be a very clever marketing tool. We have so many advantages over other areas of student learning. We don’t have one answer to the problem placed before our students. Each student will give to their problem solving a different solution.

13.1 We can educate colleagues,parents,visitors,teachers in training, special guests, by visits to your art room; visits to displays or major  projects you may have planned.

13.1 Educating your community in the art work you are undertaking can be a very exciting aspect of our experiences. Many of your colleagues or parents may not have had the education in the past in Visual literacy and convincing them through your marketing strategies can be very challenging and exciting.

13.2 You can speak regularly about your program and place in the school curriculum.You may have to convince Colleagues of the value and time needed for your program to succeed.

13.3 Make the most of showing your School Council,School Governors, special dignitaries the excellent work you are achieving with your students. Have some of your students prepared and willing to speak on special occasions.


14.1 The teaching of art is a very exciting profession. You have the challenge as an art teacher of teaching students to think divergently, creatively and constructively where they are growing in a world full of adventure, wonder  and complications. To be visually literate is a great advantage today.

14.2 Education today needs teaching to meet these student needs, as it is a special marked contribution to education of our youth who, will be the adults of tomorrow.

14.3 Many other subject teachers have been successful Professionals, but in the majority are convergent thinkers where gaining knowledge / facts and figures are important. However art educators make in their learning aspects needed for living with the challenges of the future.

14.4 Art educators can and do extend the vision of our students. They are there to encourage divergent and creative thinkers. May we continue to prepare programmes that put problems before our students and where multiple answers /solutions are presented. 

14.5 All our students are individuals who deserve individual treatment, where we as educators have the challenge of bringing out the best in them. A great challenge today where art teachers unlike other areas of the curriculum, have a major challenge to connect the hands, heart and brain.

Jack Condous OAM

Honorary Life Member Friends SASA

Board Member Friends

Input and assistance Gary Schulz OAM and Abbey Turner, MA Visual Art s& Creative Practice. BA Education.